Acknowledging Our Youngest

Acknowledging Our Youngest

Acknowledging Our Youngest But mummy, where are their masks?Whilst reading through a book together, my youngest child looked at the picture and enquired  "but mummy, where are their masks?!". The characters were in a supermarket and the book published well before...

Home Schooling is Here Again …

Home Schooling is Here Again …

Home Schooling Some thoughts on homeschooling during lockdown (2).Happy New Year from Well Minds Listening!For many families this New Year brings with it the forced challenge of homeschooling. Digital platforms will soon be showcasing what other mums, dads and carers...

Back to School

Back to School

Back to School I remember at the start of my school summer holidays, many moons ago, lamenting the adverts that would prematurely appear in shop windows. “Back to School!” Who on earth wanted to think about buying a new uniform, pencil case and schoolbag in July?...



A summer staycation It sometimes feels as if no part of our lives has been left unchanged over the last few months.  Balancing work with childcare has perhaps been the biggest challenge for many families, but I’ve been enjoying some of the little perks that come...

Homeschool’s out for summer!

Homeschool’s out for summer!

So much has changed over the last three months, it seems we need a whole new vocabulary to express ourselves.  Shielding, social distancing, bubbles and … oh yes … homeschool.  Of course, homeschooling was a conscious choice for many families pre-2020 but,...

Change – the only constant

Change – the only constant

Change – the only constant When my son was a baby we measured his time on the planet in weeks.  “He’s four weeks old!” made perfect sense but by the time he reached 20 weeks my brain couldn’t handle the maths and we switched to months.  Coronavirus, like a...

Keeping on Keeping on

Keeping on Keeping on

Keeping on keeping on At the start of our nationwide lockdown, I began watching the Harry Potter movies again, one every week.  I wanted escapism, immersion in a child’s world of chocolate frogs and butterbeer.  Now, our hero Harry has grown facial hair and...

Working on Wellbeing

Working on Wellbeing

Working on wellbeing When my four-year-old left nursery some weeks ago, to be educated and entertained at home, I was resolute that we would cope. I thought an academic diet of counting and colouring would serve him well. Perhaps a few phonics. Plenty of fun and games...

Smarts & Crafts

Smarts & Crafts

Smarts and Crafts As lockdown continues, I seem to be adopting the moods of fictional dwarves. I was Grumpy in week one, Happy in week two, and Sleepy by week three. With normal routines thrown out the window, it’s only natural to experience some peaks and troughs in...



Adjusting to a New Normal by Alice Gall Where do I begin? A couple of weeks ago I was joking about panic-buying wine and chocolate.  I was seeing friends and walking my little boy to nursery.  Now I look out of my window upon an eerily silent street, I have...

7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People

7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People

7 Benefits of Yoga for Children and Young People   The need for yoga to help children and young people manage stress and regulate themselves   Research suggests yoga can be a potential tool for children to deal with stress and regulate themselves. Yoga and...

Toddler Breath Practice

Toddler Breath Practice

TODDLER BREATH PRACTICE INHALE, EXHALE. The tension the mind creates, the body holds. With conscious breathing are gently guided into a state of relaxation, by locating tension with a long inhale, and letting it dissolve with a peaceful exhale, breath by breath by...

Happy Hatchling – Balance in Motion

Happy Hatchling – Balance in Motion

Happy Hatchling Dynamic Equilibrium: Balance in Motion This is from a wonderful book called Move, Play and Learn with Smart Steps which is one of the resources I use when coming up for ideas for the wee movers class. It takes children on a “sequential journey of...